Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Girls night and other events

So, tonight after class I was able to enjoy spending time with a couple other great girls. My friend Jenna and I went out to eat at Logans Roadhouse. It was good! I had Southwest BBQ Chicken. It was grilled chicken breast with bbq sauce, cheese and diced tomatoes. It came with coleslaw and I got to pick 2 sides. I got broccoli (the seasonal vegetable) and sauteed mushrooms. MEGA GOOD and I'm not a big broccoli person! :) Then we went over to another friends house and we watched Flash Foward and Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Flash Forward was good. I probably should not have come in on the third episode, but I did. So I kinda feel obligated to go back and watch the first two before Thursday when it comes on again. The episode of EMHE we watched was good. Can't wait for the next one! :) Hope to have more girls nights.

Before class, I had to go to Joann's (a craft store I've applied at for a job) to talk to the Hiring Manager. And of course, he wasn't in AGAIN. So I have to go back again into Cool Springs to talk to him. He wasn't there when I turned in my application last week. In a way I kinda would hate to make a trip just to tak to him. But who knows, maybe I can talk to other people at other places I 've applied to and do the same thing. So who knows... I seem to be in a better mood today. It was hard not going to Johns after class today as I normally had been doing. But I think that day by day if I take one day at a time, things will get better. I hope they do. And I hope that John doesn't forget about me. I hope that what I'm feeling [in hopes to get back together and all that stuff if things are right] aren't one sided. So... Anyway. I guess I'll stop here. I'm gonna start a thing where I hopefully will be able to read the bible in 90 days.

[John hope you're doing well. I'm sure you'll prolly read this... I'll try to post more every day so you can know what's going on day to day so you can see how I'm changing. I want this to work and I hope you do to. Don't let things go by too long before we can try again. Hope to see you soon.]

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