Sunday, August 16, 2009

So, in six days we're moving my sister in at Freed Hardeman University. That's where I've attended for three years. I'm transferring to Columbia State, so I'm coming back home. So this is gonna be kind of bitter sweet coming to Freed, but it's going to be wierd since I'm not moving in to attend there. :( I don't really know how I'm feeling. I'm glad I'm not going back in some ways. But in a lot of ways I'm going to miss it. There, the student body definately feels like a family. It's going to be hard the the first few days without my sister here and me not being there too. It's wierd that this is her last week at home before she goes to college. I kinda feel old. haha.... But then again I shouldn't because I'm about two and a half years older than her. So... Just think of me the next couple weeks. That would mean a lot.

1 comment:

LaDawn Krantz said...

SB, you freaked me out! I had this strange follower on my blog and couldn't tell from the photo who it was. Obviously, I figured it out once I went to yours. :-)