Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I need your help

I don't know what it is, but I hate admiting to someone else that I was wrong and that I sinned against them. I had to do that today. I don't know anyone who enjoys doing something like that. I've been needing to do that for a while now, but put it off (which is just as bad as not even doing it at all). I am afraid that the things I have done possibly messed up our friendship. That weighs very heavily on my heart and it bothers me to no end. I encourage everyone to admit their wrongdoings to God and to other people if they have sinned against other people no matter how long it has been. I can say from a little experience that it messes up your relationships with other people and with God. It drains out the feeling and it makes it harder to connect with people and with God. I know that being truly repentent will at least fix your relationship with God, and maybe even the relationships with other people. It may take time, but it can be done. I need your help to support me right now. I would really appreciate it.