Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

So, today I'm sitting at my mother in law's laptop just amazed at what all has been going on in the approx. 24 hours. Yesterday, at 10, John and I signed our part of the closing papers for a NEW HOUSE!!! I've noticed that I've said this a lot yesterday, but I never thought that I would be a homeowner at 22 years old. Wow!! We definitely have a LOT of people to thank for this! John and I are so blessed!

Well, FIRST off, we woke up to snow! Like TONS of it.... OK, well maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit... It looks like a ton to me! John and I got ready for the day, and ate a good breakfast. Then, John and I, along with his mom and step dad, climbed in the car and went to go pick up our cashier's check for the closing. We had to go walk through the house at 9 and close at 10. After we closed, we had to drop off Ritchie somewhere so he could work yesterday.Then, John and I went to go change the electricity, water, and gas to our names. We ate at Demos' in Lebanon for lunch with our Realtor. It was REALLY good!

John had to be at work at 3 yesterday afternoon, as he only took a half day yesterday. So we dropped him off at his truck and then my mother in law and I went to our house to start cleaning. We then went to Home Depot and DT McAll's to look at refrigerators. Then it got to be the time where we could start unpacking stuff from the Land Rover to the new house, so we did.

Later on we picked up John's step dad, and went by Lowe's to check out refrigerators there, but they were closed because of weather. So we went to eat dinner.... Demos' again! ha ha I don't think that Ritchie (John's step dad) knew we ate there for lunch. I still enjoyed it! It was great! We ran by the new house to look at some things real quick, and then came back to their house. John did not come until later. He got off at 7 and decided to watch part of the BCS Championship bowl game. I stayed up for him after his mom and step dad went to bed.

All in all it was a great day. I am kinda sad that I have to go back to Nashville today. I will be back, though, and I can not wait! It is going to be great once we move everything out here into the house and we do not have to worry about packing and cleaning anymore.


Kimberly Washer said...

Congrats!!! Where is your new house??

Sara Beth said...

Lebanon....We love it!!