Thursday, August 6, 2009

truely scared

we found out recently at church that one of our missionaries we support had gotten kidnapped in nigeria and had some kind of randsome on him (wording??) that someone could pay to rescue him. i don't know if the captors got their randsome money or what but they let him go. he's been sick and lost either his brother or cousin (i was told two different things)... so he's been in going through some mega struggles... this past tuesday, a member at our church left to go to nigeria to do more mission work, the day that someone else got kidnapped. he got released wednesday. i was sitting at church and i was truly scared... i don't get truly scared about a lot of things very easily, but this was SCARY!!! she could not make it back alive!! i mean... think about it... if any christians read my blog, please pray for her. and these other two. their names are Edu Okure, Bob Wittaker, and Joyce Anderson.

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