Sorry for my lack of attendance here the past couple years. This website has been driving me crazy with all its little bugs and things, so I gave up for a while. Now, so far so good. And A LOT has happened since I posted last. I'm still in school, and still working- two jobs actually! John's grandfather died last year, and that's been tough. AND we're trying for baby #1. That's proven to be more difficult than we could have expected it to be.
It all started when I had to have surgery back in December about a week and a half before Christmas to remove a cyst and a couple other things. Physically since then, I've felt fine. Emotionally, it's been very tough. our first year of marriage we didn't really try and we didn't really prevent either. In our second year of marriage, we were more serious about trying, but again, we weren't really going out of our way to encouraging it. I've had a history of being irregular, so I half expected that I may have a problem, but never really went to go check it out or anything. We knew we wanted to have kids, and because we weren't getting anywhere, we were growing more and more discouraged.
The surgery left me a little limited on how frequent I have my cycles, not to mention I've been irregular. My OB/GYN and I have determined that I'm most likely dealing with PCOS, so that limits me even more (but am in NO way unable to have kids at all, so that's good). So, I've been dealing with bouts of depression (I'm guessing) for a few months. It made things harder when my husband's brother and his wife got pregnant after being married about 4-5 months, and here we were married almost three years with nothing and issues on my end. It made it harder for us because my husband and I are the oldest children in our families. We wanted SO badly to be able to give our parents the first grandchild. For my family, that's still going to happen, but not for his family.
Here more in the past month and a half or so, I've had more good days than bad days with all this, and there is a possibility that I could be pregnant right now. I went hand had some blood work last week at my DR's appointment, and had some done again yesterday. I have an appointment with my OB/GYN on Monday, so we'll find out then if we don't find out before then where we stand. I LOVE my Doctor. He's been so wonderful! I'll be on more often now and I'll be blogging my journey more often, so I hope you'll follow me through this.